Kathleen Much
19 years ago
In London, I ran into a comment that Thomas Petyt in 1547 "freed the
draper Thomas Raynald, who took over operation of his press while
Petyt continued to publish and sell books from Maiden's Head. By 1548,
some of his printing material had passed to William Hill." At the same
time, a John Petyt, Draper, was plying the trade of bookseller in
London. He freed his apprentice Christopher Barker in 1559; CB later
became Queen's Printer.
Arber believed that Thomas Petyt was son or brother of John Petyt (the
Parisian bookseller/printer Jean Petit, who died about 1541). The DNB
says, "PETYT, Thomas (b in or before 1494, d 1565/6), printer and
bookseller, was born in England but may have been related to the
Parisian printer John Petit, who is said to have had printed books 'in
thaundes of Thomas Petytt' in exchequer receipts." John Petit of
London isn't the son of Jean Petit I of Paris, if Renouard is correct:
"On a cru qu'il [Jean Petit I] avait quitté Paris pour s'établir à
Rouen, en 1540, et que sa femme était fille du lbr. rouennais Jean
Bouvet, mais le Jean Petit qui exerça comme libr.-impr. à Rouen de
1540 à 1559 était originaire de Troyes et ne peut être identifié avec
Does anyone know whether Thomas Raynald is the same as Thomas
Regnault, and if so, what his relationship is to the Regnault family
of printer/booksellers of Paris? Can anyone add more to the possible
relationship between the two John Petyts and Thomas Petyt?
Renouard says, "François Regnault I exerce à Londres vers 1496, à
Paris, 1501-1540; meurt à Rouen entre le 23 nov. 1540 et le 21 juin
1541." He had four sons, none named Thomas, and four daughters.
I am principally looking at London publishers, but I would love to
establish direct connections with Parisian ones.
Grateful for any leads,
Kathleen Much
draper Thomas Raynald, who took over operation of his press while
Petyt continued to publish and sell books from Maiden's Head. By 1548,
some of his printing material had passed to William Hill." At the same
time, a John Petyt, Draper, was plying the trade of bookseller in
London. He freed his apprentice Christopher Barker in 1559; CB later
became Queen's Printer.
Arber believed that Thomas Petyt was son or brother of John Petyt (the
Parisian bookseller/printer Jean Petit, who died about 1541). The DNB
says, "PETYT, Thomas (b in or before 1494, d 1565/6), printer and
bookseller, was born in England but may have been related to the
Parisian printer John Petit, who is said to have had printed books 'in
thaundes of Thomas Petytt' in exchequer receipts." John Petit of
London isn't the son of Jean Petit I of Paris, if Renouard is correct:
"On a cru qu'il [Jean Petit I] avait quitté Paris pour s'établir à
Rouen, en 1540, et que sa femme était fille du lbr. rouennais Jean
Bouvet, mais le Jean Petit qui exerça comme libr.-impr. à Rouen de
1540 à 1559 était originaire de Troyes et ne peut être identifié avec
Does anyone know whether Thomas Raynald is the same as Thomas
Regnault, and if so, what his relationship is to the Regnault family
of printer/booksellers of Paris? Can anyone add more to the possible
relationship between the two John Petyts and Thomas Petyt?
Renouard says, "François Regnault I exerce à Londres vers 1496, à
Paris, 1501-1540; meurt à Rouen entre le 23 nov. 1540 et le 21 juin
1541." He had four sons, none named Thomas, and four daughters.
I am principally looking at London publishers, but I would love to
establish direct connections with Parisian ones.
Grateful for any leads,
Kathleen Much